Er is nu een lek in linux OS gevonden en omdat Andriod op basis van linux is gemaakt is ook daar vermoedelijk 66% van de telefoons en tablet kwetbaar,  Op dit moment is er nog geen misbruik in de praktijk gecontateerd. 

The Perception Point Research team has identified a 0-day local privilege escalation vulnerability in the Linux kernel. While the vulnerability has existed since 2012, our team discovered the vulnerability only recently, disclosed the details to the Kernel security team, and later developed a proof-of-concept exploit. As of the date of disclosure, this vulnerability has implications for approximately tens of millions of Linux PCs and servers, and 66 percent of all Android devices (phones/tablets). While neither us nor the Kernel security team have observed any exploit targeting this vulnerability in the wild, we recommend that security teams examine potentially affected devices and implement patches as soon as possible.

OP dit moment schat ik in dat dit een groter probleem is voor alle linux webservers op deze werled dan de telefoons


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